Q and A page 2

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What is your “desert island” comic book or series? Also, what are your top desert island survival strategies?


At first I thought Plan­e­tary, which is a fine choice ‘cause it is loaded with con­tent and fun to see the skewed ‘what if’ per­spec­tives on pre-estab­lished molds. But then I thought the Earth X tril­o­gy, because it is even more mas­sive amounts of con­tent and a dense read with the first part filled with John Paul Leon art. But then I bought a trade for five bucks, a trade I already owned all the sin­gle issues to: The Win­ter Men, by Brett Lewis and John Paul Leon. The main char­ac­ter wakes up drunk in a snow bank in Rus­sia. His third spo­ken chunk of dia­log is “What do you fag­gots want?” fol­lowed by “The May­or needs you to set­tle some­thing”, to which he responds “Tell the May­or to fuck him­self. Tell him I said it.” Meet Kris Kalen­ov. This is your main char­ac­ter. It is fan­tas­tic writ­ing with fan­tas­tic art. Dense enough to read and re-read. Pret­ty enough to con­tin­u­ous­ly look at. This is what I want with me on a desert isle…ideally with 186 Big Macs and plen­ty of vodka.

Which leads to ques­tion num­ber two…

I’ll cut right to the final phas­es of my 74 point sur­vival plan. Step 73: Eat a vic­to­ry feast of sand and salt water while wear­ing my emer­gency jock strap made out of a coconut husk. Step 74: Rescued.


With­out a doubt I will have to bring Wolver­ine: Old Man Logan. Why, you ask? How could you ask such a ques­tion? Two words: awe some. With the deep thought pro­vok­ing and slight­ly insane scrib­blings of Mil­lar and the unri­valed artis­tic detail of McNiv­en, this book should be a tem­plate from which future comics are based on. Don’t make Wolvy pop his claws. This is prob­a­bly the clos­est a com­ic has ever come to bring me to tears (Issue 70). There are very few ways that Logan can be defeat­ed but what hap­pened to him was prob­a­bly the worst strat­e­gy an ene­my can concoct.

My desert island sur­vival strat­e­gy would be as follows:

-Bring a copy of SIEGE (Bendis – Coipel) ‘cause I will need one of the pages to wipe my butt with. Just one page in particular…YOU DON’T JUST RIP A god IN HALF.

-Some lotion: No, no not for what you think. I will prob­a­bly get real­ly ashy.

-A vol­ley ball: I hear they make excel­lent company.

-A toi­let bowl: Only to make prison wine. I need to get my freak on somehow.

-A Swiss Army knife: Because Mcguyver had one.

-A machete: To cre­ate traps for any indige­nous folk ‘cause I would like to try human meat once.

-Flint rock: To cook the meat. I am not a savage.


I find myself being able to read Umbrel­la Acad­e­my mul­ti­ple times. I don’t mean to, it just hap­pens. But if I was trapped on a desert island, I would pick an ongo­ing series. Then when the next issue is deliv­ered, I would catch a ride home.

My sur­vival strate­gies are sim­ple. 1.) Don’t get strand­ed on a desert island. But if you do… 2.) Chan­nel Bear Grylls. 3.) Con­tem­plate all the lists you’ve ever made about crap you want with you on a desert island.


This ques­tion sucked. Just had to say it. A real jerk of a ques­tion to answer.

If I’ve got­ta choose one, then its Y the Last Man. That book has a lit­tle bit of every­thing that I like about comics. Strong char­ac­ters, dra­ma, sci-fi, and art that I real­ly appre­ci­ate on an ink­ing lev­el. From a lit­er­ary view­point it’s one of the most well craft­ed and well thought out series to have ever been made. Many say that Watch­men is the best graph­ic nov­el, which is prob­a­bly true, but there is some­thing to be said about how long Y is and how well it all comes togeth­er at the end. I’ve read through it three times and it keeps giv­ing me more in the way of depth and sto­ry, which I would real­ly need while trapped on an island. None of it is filler and yet none of it feels forced. One of the all-time best end­ings as well.

Seri­ous­ly though…I should get to bring at least four of my favs!

While strand­ed, I would act out the movie Ger­ry play­ing Matt Damon’s character…because he sur­vives!!! Now you all have to watch it to see how! It’s a Gus Van Sant Film too!!! Baha­ha­ha­ha! Enjoy his dia­logue-free silence and the end­less desert shots. Then about halfway through you will real­ize, “Matt lives and Casey Dies…I fuckin’ hate Jeff! I mean, Matt does­n’t even do any­thing to sur­vive! He just lives a lit­tle longer than the oth­er one! Gus you suck too! Though Ele­phant was decent, and Good Will Hunt­ing.” Oh it’s gonna be per­fect. Seri­ous­ly though…go rent it. Good times…heh heh…Maybe I’m lying?

Guilty Conscience

This is the debut comic from Alba­tross enter­tain­ment. A one shot detec­tive story.