Who We Are

We are cursed to tell our stories…

Tales that cov­er any style, genre, appeal or sub­ject. Alba­tross Enter­tain­ment aims to set free the sto­ries that ago­nize our cre­ators. The only require­ment put on our team con­tained with­in is to cre­ate what they are pas­sion­ate about. Only put forth what screams from you. Drop the appeal to the mass­es and push the appeal from within.

We are not here for the things that dri­ve busi­ness: rich­es, suc­cess or fame. We are here cause of what lies inside. Much like the curse that plagued the Mariner…

We tell our sto­ries cause we must.

Guilty Conscience

This is the debut comic from Alba­tross enter­tain­ment. A one shot detec­tive story.