Q and A — 3

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Who is your favorite artist?


Usu­al­ly my answer to this ques­tion is John Paul Leon. Hands down. No sec­ond thought need­ed. If I answered it this way for this time, it would still be cor­rect. I like what he does and how he does it.

This time though, I’m going to say Jerome Ope­na. Why? Action! I real­ly like the com­bi­na­tion of grit­ty pen­cil work and how dynam­ic his imagery is through his choice of per­spec­tive. His com­po­si­tion leads to dra­mat­ic imagery dur­ing both scenes of con­ver­sa­tion and high veloc­i­ty action. He knows how to chore­o­graph a fight sequence, with each pan­el as excit­ing as the last while not com­pro­mis­ing clar­i­ty of the scene or flow of the char­ac­ters. His and Rick Remender’s Pun­ish­er: Dark Reign arc (issues 1–5) I liked so much I bought both the sin­gle issues and the trade. Eas­i­ly my go to on the shelf for when I’m look­ing for a fight.


Nat­u­ral­ly I have a few artists who I con­sid­er to be top notch, but if I have to choose 1 it would be Ribic. I am a real fan of hyper-real­ism and Ribic’s art style is the embod­i­ment of that. From his use of col­or to his intri­cate detail of the human anato­my, Ribic’s art is tru­ly a mas­ter piece in every panel.


Here is my response to fab Artist:

As an inker, when I am asked who is my fav com­ic artist I just think about inkers. So, I did­n’t even both­er to try and think of a pen­cil­er, and stuck with my ini­tial thought…Tim Townsend (http://timtownsend.deviantart.com/)

This man has been ink­ing for Mar­vel comics since I got into comics in Mid­dle school. He was the inker for MAD! dur­ing his rise to fame with­in the indus­try. Beyond being a con­stant in comics here are the main rea­sons I like his work:

  • Old school inker who works by hand
  • Uses Ben-Day Dots in his work…miss that stuff sometimes
  • Pri­mar­i­ly inks with a Brush…looking at his line work is baf­fling how he is so steady
  • Mas­ter at doing Arm and Facial hair…sounds stu­pid but the crap is tough!
  • Can take Chris Bacha­lo Pen­cils and make them deci­pher­able yet retain the chaos that he is known for.
  • Good artist in his own right.
  • Has a CRAZY Studio
  • Very active on Deviant Art and will even give advice


Favorite artist?

I haven’t had a lot of time for much late­ly. The last time I was in Min­neso­ta, Jeff lent me a bunch of trades that I hadn’t known had even come out. It was (and is) kind of sad. What­ev­er. So when we land­ed on who is your favorite artist as the ques­tion, it’s been very dif­fi­cult for me. For some rea­son, I felt that I had to come up with a way to prop­er­ly quan­ti­fy my answer, prob­a­bly because I will be inca­pable to say what I mean. I also want to be able to sep­a­rate art that I like from artis­tic sub­ject mat­ter. Let’s see if I can pull it off folks…

I decid­ed to choose artists that I search for to use as wall­pa­per on my com­put­ers. It’s a sim­ple process, type in a name, type in art­work, click on find the crap but­ton, click images, bin­go ban­go. This seems log­i­cal. I don’t change my wall­pa­pers too often, so it’s kind of a big deal. An artist I almost always default to is Ash­ley Wood. I think I like the abstract and messy nature of it. The sense of scale seems appro­pri­ate. And then right along with that I get the neat and clean lines of his robots. The design seems so suit­able from an alter­nate WWII his­to­ry view­point. So then none of those fit just right onto my com­put­er. Then I do a search for Jae Lee. It’s the con­trasts and shad­ows that are just amaz­ing. That will then get me search­ing for Mike Mignola’s work. It’s a sim­i­lar feel­ing with the sharp con­trasts and shad­ows. I like the dark­ness of the works. So where do I end up? What’s plas­tered as wall­pa­per on my com­put­ers? At school, I have a pro­mo for Jonathan Hickman’s Feel Bet­ter Now. I like the forced irony that I feel when I read it. At home, it’s almost always some ran­dom artist from Kotaku’s fine art sec­tion. I think it’s a lady and a drag­on in the woods or something.

…I should have just answered that I am my favorite artist, did you see that hand turkey?

04 April 2013 A.D.

Guilty Conscience

This is the debut comic from Alba­tross enter­tain­ment. A one shot detec­tive story.