
nolan nesbitt ArtistNolan: Deviant Gallery
A Non-Native Amer­i­can who has a keen abil­i­ty to make peo­ple around him feel less pop­u­lar. Among his likes are graph­ic design, babies he has cre­at­ed, Dogs I hope he did­n’t cre­ate, art, get­ting mar­ried and trap­ping men in cages to knock them out. His Dislikes…nothing I have found he will admit too, how­ev­er, he does cheat at freeze tag after dark.
Alba­tross Accom­plish­ments: Pen­cils and graph­ic prep work on “Guilty Conscience”

Jeff Demars Writer, InkerJeff: Deviant Gallery
A rel­a­tive­ly uncul­tured coun­try kid who still gets uncom­fort­able pass­ing peo­ple on the side­walk alone,has had the same body weight since tenth grade and his crown­ing achieve­ment is his abil­i­ty to grow a beard. A clin­i­cal study has shown that 4 out of 5 peo­ple will for­get the first time they met him.
Alba­tross Accom­plish­ments: Writer and inker on “Guilty Conscience”

Chris Graunke Writer, ArtistChris: Deviant Gallery
Peo­ple often times get caught up on the sur­face of this man. Why not? Cute, fun­ny and sharp as a whip. I just dare you to dig deep­er and see that this is a man of the utmost cal­iber. Extreme­ly good at get­ting peo­ple to dri­ve him places, can talk you out of doing a life long dream, and can even make you feel like it was your idea to buy him sup­per! A stand up guy who loves the classics.
Alba­tross Accom­plish­ments: Cov­er Artist on “Guilty Conscience”

Chris MooseMoose:
Moose is a trained archae­ol­o­gist. He combs the no-coast for items cast off into the vast abyss of for­get­ful­ness. Moose has no right to be here, so he was vot­ed off of the island first, thought to be the biggest threat. Alba­tross called him the next day to iden­ti­fy a rash and trap some food. It was poi­son ivy in a del­i­cate position.
Alba­tross Accom­plish­ments: Edi­tor and Chief

Guilty Conscience

This is the debut comic from Alba­tross enter­tain­ment. A one shot detec­tive story.